New 1964 Ford Mustang Convertible for Sale. Stock #39912693
1964 Ford Mustang Convertible
Rangoon Red Exterior Color
Red Interior
Red Interior
289 cid V8 Engine
Automatic Transmission
Automatic Transmission
Stock # 39912693
$ 55,000.00
500 Miles
VIN: 5F08C676388
VIN: 5F08C676388
Seller Information
Vehicle Selling Solutions FSBO Vehicles
1941 S. 42nd St. Suite 104
Omaha, Nebraska 68105
Omaha, Nebraska 68105
Call (833) 254-8675
Vehicle Description
1964.5 Ford Mustang for Sale in Sacramento, CA 92673 This Mustang Is Powered by A 289 Engine Paired with An Automatic Transmission, With 500 Miles on The New Engine. Shown In a Red Exterior and A Red Leather Interior. Features New Engine New Paint Inside and Out New Alternator New Tires New Battery Owner’s Note “Cherry Beauty…. Is A 1964.5 Ford Mustang That’s Has Been Completely Restored. It’s Been in My Family from The Day of Purchase in Dearborn Michigan.” For Assistance with Financing, Transportation, Or Inspections Please Phone Customer Support At: (402) 502-8385 Attention Buyers *Caveat Emptor* Please Remember to Inspect Vehicle Prior To Purchase!
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Or have some fun. Fly in and drive your new car home, you might save enough money on the price to pay for your vacation.
Contact the dealer about automotive financing that might be available or contact your bank to find out about their vehicle financing options.
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All data is provided for informational purposes only, is subject to change without notice, and should be verified with the seller before purchase. All listed prices do not include any applicable state, federal or local tax, registration, title, destination, dealer documentary fees, emissions testing fees, insurance or finance fees.